This project has been stagnant for some time now. I’ll probably end up using 3D printer code and a G-Code translator to do what I want in the end.

The “why” isn’t important (read “doesn’t exist”), but I want to take a regular old “dumb” rice cooker, and convert it into a “smart” rice cooker.

So, a whim and a few minutes on Aliexpress later, my pint sized rice cooker and an assortment of electronics are on the slow boat from China.

Having no real clue what I’m doing, here’s what I’ve ordered thus far:

Main list of things:

  • Rice cooker ($26.40 + $3.16 S&H - The star of the show.)
  • Thermistors ($2.97 - 100pcs, for temperature readings)
  • NodeMCU ($2.47 - To, hopefully, allow me to WiFi control the whole thing)
  • Relay ($0.76 - To switch power on and off.)
  • ESP8266 Relay ($2.91 + $0.14 S&H - Alternative to the NodeMCU + Relay pairing I’m planning on using)

While I have dabbled with Arduino before, this is a far more ambitious project than I have yet done. Ideally, I will have the rice cooker serve an API, which my Orange Pi will bounce requests across to as dictated by a frontend hosted on the same machine (this resolves CORS, while still allowing options to control the rice cooker by other devices).

For now though, I am away from home, working, so I can’t do anything on this for at least another 2 weeks, probably 3. Many of my parts have arrived (rice cooker, thermistors, relay, and NodeMCU), so once I get home, I can hit the ground running.

Terminology Link to heading

Directive Link to heading

A directive is an instruction for the rice cooker. User facing directives have, at most, a single input.

Internally, directives chain each other with conditions to achieve their given goal.

Thoughts Link to heading

Having received shipment of the rice cooker, and beginning to use it, I realize there’s nothing about it that makes it fit only for rice, if I can control the heating myself. Everything about it is like any other hot pot, it’s just tuned for cooking rice.

Thus, once I convert the thing to being smart, I will be able to use it for, say, ramen, or any number of other things. The possibility of steaming things only furthers this goal.

Recipe Submission Link to heading

Wrap the JSON as an object so that flags and things can be passed along without modifying the recipe.

Recipe IDs are handled internally by the cooker, as a hash of the contents.

When submitting a recipe, the server will return the ID of the recipe, so the client may immediately attempt to start a recipe, but flags such as delete-on-complete make sure that recipes may be temporary in nature and not stay in history (parametric recipes are a prime example)

Recipes Link to heading

Recipes should be submitted as simple JSON structures. These may be linted prior to submission, and will contain no logic. All calculations are to be done when producing the recipe. This is done so as to ease the technical burden on the cooker.

Tuning Link to heading

Heating should be tuned through the frontend. A wattage value may be submitted as a rough guide.

Otherwise, say how much water you put in, it will heat up until a threshold temperature is reached. Wait until the heat dropping is stable (thermal lag needs to be gotten rid of), then read temperature. Given this information, the cooker may then calculate the heating rate of the hot pot, as the thermal capacity of the water is known, and the thermal lag is mostly taken care of.

This information may be used for ballpark estimates for cooking duration, when accounting for the time it takes to reach temperature. Examples of use might be scheduling a recipe in time to get home.

However, more useful will be using prior cooking runs to average the cooking times.

Heating / Cooling Link to heading

Active cooling is not something worth designing for, as it is not an issue to begin with.

Coding Link to heading

Internally, a temperature kill switch should be enacted, which will kick in if the temperature gets too high.

API Link to heading

I tentatively (with no real experience designing them) plan on my API being something like the following.

  • /cookbook/add - Add a recipe
  • /cookbook/delete - Delete a recipe
  • /cookbook/list - List known recipes
  • /action/kill - Kill any current running recipe
  • /action/start - Start a recipe
  • /action/schedule/add - Schedule a recipe
  • /action/schedule/delete Delete a scheduled recipe
  • /action/schedule/list - List scheduled recipes
  • /sensor/temperature - Returns temperature
  • /settings/time/set - Set/read date and time

Cooking recipe definition specifications Link to heading

They may be categorized as follows:

Primary Directives Link to heading

  • Heat
  • Sleep

Secondary Directives Link to heading

  • Lighting Change
  • Lighting Kill
  • Temperature Change
  • Temperature Hold
  • Temperature Kill

Definitions Link to heading

These are defined as such:

Sleep Link to heading

Wait for a given duration. No need to expose to recipes directly, see Temperature Kill, Temperature Change, and Temperature Hold instead. Will keep things like LED lights going still.

Heat Link to heading

Takes a bool, turns the heating element on or off. Non-blocking so that conditions may be checked without unnecessarily cycling the relay. Dangerous to expose to recipes directly, see Temperature Kill

All Kill Link to heading

Mostly to be used as a soft kill switch, invoked from a physical button or via API. Proxy to Temperature Kill and Lighting Kill, then exits any current recipe.

Lighting Change Link to heading

Change lighting mode.

Lighting Kill Link to heading

Kill any running lighting mode.

Temperature Change Link to heading

Heat/cool to given temperature. This should just be a proxy directive to Heat and Sleep. That is, Heat if under temp, Sleep if over temp. As heating during cooking tends to be a matter of getting to temperature as quickly as possible, there is no need for a duration setting.

Temperature Hold Link to heading

Hold at current temperature for given duration. This should just be a proxy directive to Heat and Sleep. That is, Heat if under temp, Sleep if over temp, until an internal clock has ticked over the time required.

Temperature Kill Link to heading

Turns off heat. Takes no input. Just a proxy to Heat, but only as a false bool.

Might be used at the end of a recipe, unnecessary though. Examples might be cancelling an infinite temperature holding cycle (e.g rice warming).

Dependency Graph Link to heading

Dependency Connections